Various information about Matsui

The biggening of June, the Boshu/芒種 (meaning sowing of rice or wheat seeds) season of the 24 solar terms, and according to this old Japanese calendar, rice planting was taking place in the rice fields near our home.

Although it started to exceed 30 degrees Celsius during the day, at night, frogs sing all at once and the wind across the water is still a little chilly.

Rice is an essential ingredient for the Japanese. Delicious rice enhances dishes.

Therefore, breeding is constantly being carried out to produce even tastier rice.

We serve Kyo-Shikibu rice, which is grown in Kyoto.

It is resistant to high summer temperatures and is characterized by its elegant sweetness and moderate stickiness. To fully enjoy its rice’s sticky texture, we have prepared the “Shichibunzuki” rice. It is made by shaving off 70% of the rice bran layer. Therefore, it contains more nutrients than white rice and has a slightly pleasant brown rice aroma. The rice is cooked with slightly less water so that customers can feel each grain of rice.

Customers are often surprised by the sweetness of the rice, and it is not unusual for them to order more.

When you visit the restaurant, please enjoy the Kyo-Shikibu rice served at the end of your meal.
